Dance Party!

Grove & get down to your favorite music while improving your coordination, flexibility, and endurance.

Please dance with caution, being mindful not to exceed your physical limits. Take breaks as needed, and hydrate frequently. Monitor your heart rate and perceived exertion level (how challenging the activity feels). This activity is intended to be fun and stimulating. If any unexpected issues arise, stop immediately and consult your doctor.

Dancing with your care recipient might take some getting used to, but it can add an element of stabilization to the activity. Partner dancing will improve coordination, timing, endurance, and more.

Here are some videos to help with this activity:

Ballroom Dancing Tutorial

Foxtrot Tutorial

Beginner Waltz

Partner Dancing

Dance Workouts

Dance on your own or next to each other! Dancing workouts can be fun and improve your balance, movement, coordination, and more. Remember to stay hydrated and keep a chair close for breaks!

Here are some videos:

20 Minute Dance Workout for Seniors

Walk & Dance Workout for Seniors

Dance with Music from the 50s, 60s, 70s

70s Music Dance Workout

Latin Dance Workout


  • If your care recipient is an avid dancer, make videos with them or for them! They might just be the next viral hit!